Reading Country Club

Reading Country Club

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Golf Course Information
  • Address
  • 40 Fore St
    New Redruth
    New Redruth

  • Contact Information
  • 0119073666

The ground which had been purchased was the most suitable that was available at the time, but it would be misleading in the extreme, to say that building a golf course on it presented no problems. Part of the ground had been used as a brickfield and the gaping clay pits led to many a pessimistic prognosis from prominent members of the committee. These prophets have been proved wrong and those clay pits have been transformed into some of the most pleasing holes on the course but not without much toil and money. These were the patent hazards that were only discovered later. The initial plan for the golf course envisaged construction on a large scale, to be let out on contract, to a plan prepared by a golf architect. For this purpose, Sid Brews was engaged to plan the course.

Course Reviews
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